This important survey has been created by The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and is only open for a limited time. The review has been launched into the veterinary services market for household pets. Household pets include small animals like:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Rabbits
As part of this work, the CMA wants to hear from pet owners and people who work in the veterinary services sector. They are particularly keen to understand your experiences with:
- Pricing
- Access to prescriptions
- Access to medications
- The variety of services that are available
For full details of how your information will be used, click here.
N.B When at your vet in a grief state you are a “vulnerable & captive audience” for them so services should be offered to you in line with consumer protection law (you are given enough information to make an informed decision – e.g. a description on how your pet will be stored, transported, handled and cremated along with who owns the service).
Please fill out the Pet Owner Questionnaire if you are a pet owner who has paid for veterinary services in the last 3 years.
Please fill out the Veterinary Practices Questionnaire questionnaire if:
- You are a veterinary surgeon
- You are a veterinary nurse
- You currently work in a veterinary practice
- You have worked in a veterinary practice in the last 3 years.
Please fill out the Third Party Questionnaire if:
- You work in an animal pharmacy
- You supply products or services to veterinary practices or their customers (for example specialist animal hospitals or crematorium services)
- You work at an animal charity that delivers or buys veterinary services
- You are a veterinary professional who retired more than 3 years ago
The CMA have the power to put in place rules that will improve the Veterinary Industry. This is your chance to speak out and be heard and help shape the way veterinary services are offered so we urge you to please have your say!
Thanks – and please remember to share this to all your friends!