My heart was utterly broken on Friday 31 January 2025, making the decision to say goodbye to my beautiful tiny little Persian rescue, Moo who joined my life in February 2021.
Everything happened so quick, after I made the decision to help her to pass over the rainbow bridge after her brave battle with kidney disease and added complications, I took her home for one last cuddle and to allow her brother and sisters to say goodbye knowing I needed to think about her cremation in the morning.
I couldn’t cope with leaving her anywhere overnight, the only option for me that my heart could cope with was a same day cremation so I could have her home with me again within hours.
Having researched online and seen Dignity and their video explaining their roots and why they do what they do, I knew this was what I was looking for.
I called at 9am on the Saturday and by 9.15, I had a call back which was filled with dignity, compassion and empathy. My mind felt more at ease that this was the right last journey for my darling Moo and we went through the next steps.
On arrival, Tracy came to meet me at my car, she was the kindest person I could have asked to be there for me, she could see Moo was my world, she listened, I shared a story or two and showed her a photo of her in her happier times, the kindness and genuine care will forever hold a special place in my heart.
I was able to spend time with her in a quiet, peaceful room, telling her how much I loved her and how much of a wonderful cat she has been to me, I gave her one final kiss and placed her in the basket, Tracy promised me she would stay with her, take her prints and go with her to her final journey, this gave me the strength I needed to let her go.
Within four hours, I returned to collect my darling girl to take her home. The gardens are beautiful, quiet and calming, giving me the headspace I needed as I did the walk to have her back in my arms again.
I can’t thank you all enough, I will hold the pain of losing Moo until I see her again but I will cherish how you treated us.
In memory of my darling Moo – 31.01.25 🌈